How Much Does Heart Valve Replacement Surgery Cost?

  • In India, heart valve replacement surgery typically costs between $4,000 and $ 9,000. The type of valve used—a mechanical or tissue valve—determines the cost.
  • Aortic and mitral heart valve replacements are two options for heart valve replacement.
  • Approximately 8 days are spent in the hospital and 14 days are spent outside of it.
  • Today’s valve replacement operations are incredibly successful. TAVI is a modern valve surgery method that replaces the aortic valve using a transcatheter approach.
  • EKG (electrocardiogram), Chest X-Ray, Coronary Angiography, Anxiety Evaluation, and Cardiac MRI are tests required for identifying valve replacement.
Heart Valve Replacement Surgery Cost

Heart valve replacement surgery is a significant open-heart procedure that includes replacing natural heart valves with artificial ones produced primarily of human tissue and occasionally of xenograft. The only valve chambers that cannot be repaired are the aortic valves, which account for the majority of replacements among the four-valve chambers. The two other valves, the tricuspid and pulmonic, are only sometimes damaged and may be readily repaired.

Due to the complexity of this surgery, the patient is given some sort of general anaesthetic before the procedure. To access the aorta chamber during this procedure, the surgeon must make an incision in the breastbone. The patient is attached to an artificial heart because the procedure involves an open heart (lung bypass machine or pump to compensate for the heart). Depending on availability and compatibility, materials comprised of ceramic, titanium, and stainless steel are used to replace the broken valves.

Many surgeons occasionally employ animal and human tissues on patients who are quite old. The distinction between these two situations is that metal valves outlive biological valves by several years. However, in this case, individuals must take aspirin and other blood-thinning medications for the rest of their lives. The lifespan of biological valves is 12–15 years, and they don’t need to be treated with blood thinners.

In some cases, pulmonic valves are also employed for this replacement; these need to be artificially changed.
The heart will operate better after this procedure, resulting in a longer, healthier life span. It lessens heart attacks and other dangerous heart-related illnesses.

Cost of Heart Valve Replacement in India and other Countries:

An estimated comparison for the treatment of valve replacement surgery cost in India and other countries is given in the table below:

CountryPrice (USD)

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A heart murmur, often known as an odd heartbeat sound, is the primary indicator of heart valve disease. Many patients with heart disease don’t exhibit any symptoms until they are middle-aged or older. The following are the main signs and symptoms:

  • Unusual signs of weakness or exhaustion
  • Having trouble breathing or being short of breath
  • Swelling of the neck veins, abdomen, feet, ankles, and legs
  • Irregular, fluttering, or speeding heartbeat.
  • Palpitations or chest discomfort (rapid rhythms or skips)
  • Failure to sustain the usual level of activity
  • Loss of awareness or dizziness
  • The severity of the condition and its symptoms heavily influence how heart disease issues are treated.

Diagnosis and Tests

In order to address the issues brought on by one or more damaged heart valves, valve repair or replacement surgery is performed.

The doctor will initially look for the symptoms and indicators to identify heart valve disorders. A physical examination is then performed. Commonly suggested tests include:

  • Echocardiography
  • Electrocardiogram
  • A chest X-ray
  • Radionuclide scans
  • catheterization of the heart
  • Stress Assessment
  • Heart MRI

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Types of Heart Valve Replacement Surgeries Performed in India

The following heart valve replacement procedures can be carried out in India, depending on the type of heart ailment the patient has:

  • Aortic Valve Replacement Surgery in India– On the left side of the heart, there is an outflow valve called the aortic valve. It is responsible of permitting blood to pass from the left ventricle, the heart’s primary pumping chamber. The valve is also in charge of sealing to stop blood from leaking or returning to the left ventricle. People who have a congenital defect or condition that causes stenosis or regurgitation require surgery to replace or repair an aortic valve.
  • Mitral Valve Replacement Surgery in India- Treatments for disorders of the mitral valve, which is situated between the left atrium and left ventricle of the heart, include mitral valve replacement and repair. It is one of the four valves of the heart.

    Mitral valve stenosis causes the flaps of the valve to stiffen, thicken and fuse together. Because of this, the valve cannot fully open. It causes reduced blood flow through the valve.

  • Double Valve Replacement Surgery in India– This surgery is for patients with problems in both the aortic and the mitral valve.

  • Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR)- (minimally invasive procedures)

Preparations for heart valve Replacement in India

  • Once the illness has been identified, the doctor can suggest that you follow particular safety measures to stop more damage from occurring.
  • Additionally, several drugs could be administered to treat or manage the illness.
  • Surgical intervention in the form of heart valve replacement is frequently advised if nothing seems to work and the patient’s condition worsens.
  • You must make preparations for a one-week hospital stay prior to the procedure.
  • In addition, you should prepare your house and have a support structure in place for the time you need to heal.
  • You ought to give up smoking as soon as you can.
  • Tell the surgeon if you have a pacemaker or about all the drugs you are currently taking.
  • If you think you could be pregnant, tell the doctor.

Cost of Valve Replacement Surgery in India

 SurgeryCost ($)
1Heart valve replacementUSD 4000
2Aortic Valve ReplacementUSD 6300
3Mitral Valve Replacement (MVR)USD 6300
4Tricuspid Valve ReplacementUSD 6500
5Double Valve ReplacementUSD 9000
6MitraClipUSD 65,500

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Numerous expenditures have been made to guarantee that all medical facilities are outfitted with contemporary amenities; Indian hospitals that have received worldwide accreditation can handle the most recent operations and techniques. These cutting-edge institutions concentrate on what matters: more patient-friendly, effective, and efficient solutions.

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The Indian government has made it simpler for travellers arriving for medical care to enter the nation. They may benefit from a six-month visa extension with the proper letter from the hospital where they will be receiving medical care.


Heart valve replacement surgery is done to replace one or more heart valves with a bioprosthetic valve or an artificial valve. 

Usually, medical issues like heart valvular disease call for this surgery. The medical ailment known as the valvular disease of the heart occurs when one or more of the heart’s valves are not functioning as they should.

In essence, the heart has four key valves that work to maintain the blood’s unidirectional flow. Some of these valves may occasionally not function correctly due to specific medical disorders, which eventually affect the blood flow to the heart and disrupts a person’s general state of health.

The degree and type of cardiac valve disease will determine the course of treatment.


  • The tissue used in valve replacement comes from either human or animal donors or it purely depends on the decision of the surgeon based on his analysis.  Valve replacement surgery takes four to five hours to complete and is done under general anesthesia.
  • The operation is performed either as an open-heart procedure where the patient is strapped to a heart-lung machine or, in rare cases, without the use of a heart machine, that is, on a beating heart during which the heartbeats are typically changed but still seen as normal.
  • After making the initial incision to remove the breastbone from the ribs, the surgeon then exposes the heart and locates the damaged valve. The ends next to the valve are slightly cut to release it.
  • The ends closest to the valve are slightly cut so that when it is removed, the tendons holding it to the remaining heart may be readily released. 
  • After that, a replacement valve is installed and sealed in the location from the tendons that attach the remaining heart, and then the valve is simply removed. After that, a replacement valve is installed and sealed in the location.
  • After everything is finished, the chest is sewn and the bypass machine is taken out.


Patients need to spend a few weeks to a few months recovering from their operation once they go home from the hospital. The time it takes to fully recover in this scenario varies from person to person and depends on one’s age and physical condition. Additionally, the length of time it takes for a patient to recover largely relies on how motivated they are to cooperate with their doctor.

  • Post-surgery the patient is held in an intensive care unit (ICU) or high dependency unit (HDU) to monitor their condition before being transferred to a regular room or ward after their vital signs have stabilized. The patient is instructed to begin walking as soon as possible in order to enhance blood circulation and for a speedy recovery, followed by cardiac rehabilitation to restore strength.
  • After heart valve replacement surgery, recovery takes a while—roughly a few months. A patient must limit his activities at this time, the patient also goes through a few typical emotional and physical changes.
  • The patient is recommended to start moving about and walking to promote blood circulation during his or her anticipated hospital stay of at least five to six days.
  • After surgery, some individuals may benefit from cardiac rehabilitation since it will increase their strength and quality of life.
  • In certain circumstances, patients also struggle with chest discomfort or have trouble falling asleep. Additionally, at this stage, individuals undergoing heart valve replacement surgery need to take their prescribed medications, engage in safe physical activity, and consume a healthy diet.
  • To preserve the heart’s regular function and avoid any issues, the patient is advised to take specific drugs daily.
  • The patient usually has to go to the surgeon on a frequent basis for a few follow-up exams.
  • Every patient has a different visitation schedule. Some patients might need to first visit the surgeon every month. Once every three or six months becomes the new frequency.
  • Reduce routine activities.
  • Stop driving for a period of a few weeks.
  • Strictly avoid applying direct pressure on the wound.
  • Depression is a common side effect of recovery following invasive heart valve surgery for certain people who have had a heart valve replacement. This is enough to weaken one’s bodily experience because it is a distressing scenario. Others struggle with depression as a result of their sense of helplessness or isolation during the healing process. Positively, these sentiments and sensations are typical reactions that play a role in both mental and physical healing processes. As a result, they expire over time.

Benefits of Heart Valve Replacement Surgery

Surgery for the heart valves can reduce the symptoms, lengthen life expectancy, and perhaps increases the life span.

The following are some potential benefits of heart valve repair over valve replacement

  • Reduced danger of infection
  • Fewer lifetime anticoagulant (blood-thinning) medications are required.
  • The most frequent minimally invasive technique is valve surgery, which can include both valve replacement and repair.

Among the advantages of minimally invasive surgery are:

  • Reduced danger of infection
  • Less bleeding and trauma.
  • Shorter hospital stay.
  • Shorter recovery.


Surgery always carries some risk. 

  • heart attack is one danger associated with heart valve surgery.
  • a heart failure.
  • one could require a pacemaker if the heart beats abnormally.
  • stroke.
  • infection.
  • bleeding.

Risk factors include

  • patients’ age.
  • other medical issues.

Survival Rate

According to research, those who engaged in greater physical activity in the year following surgery had a reduced mortality risk than those who did not. Depending on the procedure and the patient’s general condition, the fatality rate might range from 0.1% to 10%.

The surgeon will select the best choice for heart valve surgery after speaking with the patient. One can enlist the assistance of family and friends once one knows what kind of surgery one will be having. After surgery, it’s possible that they won’t be able to bend or lift for a period. So that people may concentrate on healing, and ask others to assist with food preparation and housekeeping. Before the operation, one may also prepare and store meals that can simply be reheated while they recover.

Frequently Asked Questions About Heart Valve Replacement Surgery

Q. Is surgery preferable to just taking medicine?
In the early stages of valve disease, medications frequently assist, but as the condition worsens, they become less effective. Patients don’t have to put off having surgery until their symptoms are intolerable. In certain circumstances, having surgery before symptoms appear is preferable. Surgery is a significant choice that is based on one’s unique requirements. The patient, the cardiologist, and the surgeon all have a say in it.

Q. How much time will the valve function?
The duration of the valve repair or replacement relies on a number of factors:

  • Age.
  • Whether a heart valve replacement or repair is necessary.
  • The valve type installed (for heart valve replacement).
  • Mechanical valves seldom need to be replaced, but if a blood clot, infection, or tissue development prevents them from functioning properly, they may. It could be necessary to replace biological valves, particularly in younger individuals.

Q. Are they any disadvantages of minimally invasive heart surgery? Can we choose to have it?
The biggest negative is that, regrettably, not everyone qualifies for a minimally invasive heart procedure.
However, doctors are constantly looking for new ways to use minimally invasive heart surgery techniques, so as time goes on, more and more people will be able to gain from the therapy. Although minimally invasive heart surgery frequently requires more time in the operating room, the shorter hospital stay and speedier recovery make up for this.

Q. What is the difference between a tissue valve and a mechanical valve?
Both options have pros and cons. A mechanical valve lasts longer than a tissue valve, but to lower your risk of blood clots, you’ll need to take blood-thinning medicine for the remainder of your life. The major benefit of a tissue valve is that it frequently does not need to be treated with blood thinners for the rest of one’s life. The optimal course of action will be recommended for you by the heart surgeon based on your unique needs. The important thing is to select the valve that best suits your needs and ambitions.

Q. What is the durability of valves?
Some patients’ mechanical valves have operated trouble-free for up to 25 years. Some patients’ tissue valves have functioned without issues for up to 15 years.

Q. Is it safe to be exposed to x-rays after a valve replacement?
All replacement heart valves are completely safe with x-ray exams.

Q. How long does it take to resume back to normal activities after a heart valve replacement surgery?
The typical recovery time following valve replacement or repair is four to eight weeks, while less invasive techniques sometimes result in a quicker recovery. Several factors, including the type of valve repair or replacement you had, how you feel, how well your incision is healing, and the guidance of your doctor, will determine when you may resume your regular daily activities.

Q. Do heart valves have a sound to them?
Every mechanical valve emits some noise. A mechanical heart valve may make two separate clicking noises when it opens and shuts. That is typical.

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Vanshika Rawat

Written By Vanshika Rawat

Vanshika Rawat is an experienced content developer. She is very knowledgeable in the field of science and healthcare and has worked under brilliant scientists during her higher education. Vanshika obtained her degrees in Masters in Science and Bachelors in Science (Microbiology with Hons.) from renowned institutions - Panjab University and University of Delhi.
Dr. Surbhi Suden

Verified By Dr. Surbhi Suden

Dr. Surbhi Suden is one of the founders of Lyfboat and a doctor with a renowned name in the Medical tourism industry. She has been working with international patients since 2008 and is a deeply committed professional with a long term vision of transforming the current healthcare scenarios.
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