Low Cost Core Needle Breast Biopsy in Tunisia | Best Hospitals for Core Needle Breast Biopsy in Tunisia

Best Core Needle Breast Biopsy Hospitals and Cost in Tunisia

Choose from 1 best Core Needle Breast Biopsy hospitals in Tunisia

About Core Needle Breast Biopsy

Core Needle Breast Biopsy is the removal of tissue from a suspicious mass in the breast using a hollow needle. The tissue is then examined under a microscope to check for the presence of cancer cells. A biopsy may be performed when an abnormal finding in the breast is discovered during a mammogram, ultrasound, or physical examination. A biopsy will determine if the growth is benign or malignant (cancerous).

      Tunis, Tunisia - 
      0 / 5 - (0 Reviews)

      The Med Hannibal is a private clinic in the Berges du Lac district of Tunisia. As an international establishment, it provides services to patients from all over the world. The location of the hospital is close to Tunis-Carthage airport, making it a convenient option for patients travelling from other countries for quality medical care in Tunisia. Med Hannibal offers a high standard of clinical and hotel care in an all-inclusive medical package, comprising other services such as airport pick up and drop off and assistance during the stay.

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