Cancer Treatment Cost in Turkey

“In Turkey, the starting point for cancer treatment costs is USD 4000 on average. Turkey offers more affordable cancer treatment costs than other countries because its hospitals are equipped with some of the world’s most advanced technology and have some of the most renowned cancer surgeons.

Bone Cancer
  • Cancer refers to a group of more than 100 different diseases. It can manifest almost anywhere in the body. It’s important to understand how cancer starts.
  • The term “cancer” refers to a broad category of diseases that result from unchecked cell growth brought on by defects in a patient’s body’s normal functioning mechanisms.
  • This field of medicine is known as oncology; the Greek terms “logos” (study) and “oncos” (burden, volume, and mass) are combined to give this name.
  • The study of lumps or tumours brought on by aberrant cells is known as oncology, and it is used to comprehend, diagnose, and treat cancer disorders.
  • An oncologist is a specialized physician who plays a crucial role in assessing the stage and severity of a tumour. Tumour biopsy is an indispensable step in determining the best course of oncological therapy.
  • The oncologist takes charge of developing a therapeutic strategy for cancer patients by collaborating with other specialists in multidisciplinary consultations.
  • The primary aim is to provide all-encompassing cancer care, and as an oncologist, it is imperative to ensure that every step is taken toward the successful treatment of the patient’s cancer.
  • The fundamental building blocks of the human body are called cells. When the body needs new cells, they proliferate and divide to create them. Cells typically die as they age or sustain damage. Then, fresh cells grow in their stead.
  • Cancer develops when genetic changes disrupt this orderly process. Cells begin to grow out of control. These cells could combine to form a tumour-like mass.
  • A tumour may be benign or malignant. Being malignant, a cancerous tumour can grow and spread to other body parts. If a tumour is benign, it will not spread and will be able to grow.
  • Certain forms of cancer do not result in a tumour. Leukaemia, myeloma, and the majority of lymphoma types are among them.

Early Indicators of Cancer

Cancer is a disease that can manifest itself in a variety of ways and different body parts. To diagnose and treat cancer as soon as possible, it’s critical to recognize its early warning signs.

The likelihood of recovery rises with early diagnosis. It’s critical to pay attention to the early indicators of cancer.

Some symptoms may indicate that a person has cancer and should be taken seriously.

  • Loss of appetite and unexplained weight loss are early indicators of a potential tumour.
  • Ongoing exhaustion and new pains and aches.
  • Sweats at night.
  • Issues with vision or hearing.
  • Vomiting or queasiness that returns.
  • Blood in the stool or urine can be observed or found using specialized testing.
  • Changes in bowel habits recently (diarrhoea or constipation).
  • Unusual bleeding in the vagina, particularly after menopause.
  • Recurring fevers or chronic cough.
  • Alterations to a non-healing ulcer or a mole’s size or colour.
  • Appearance or modification of a growth or skin mark.
  • A non-healing lesion is present.
  • Inflammation of lymph nodes.

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Cancer Types

Based on where it starts, doctors categorise different types of cancer. There are four major forms of cancer:


Skin or tissue covering the surface of internal organs and glands is where a carcinoma first appears. Carcinomas often develop into solid tumours. They represent the most prevalent kind of cancer. Lung cancer, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, and breast cancer are a few types of carcinomas.


The tissues that support and connect the body are where a sarcoma first appears. Fat, muscles, nerves, tendons, joints, blood vessels, lymph vessels, cartilage, or bone can all develop sarcomas.


Leukaemia is a type of blood cancer. Uncontrolled growth and alteration of healthy blood cells is the first sign of leukaemia. Acute lymphocytic leukaemia, chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, acute myeloid leukaemia, and chronic myeloid leukaemia are the four primary forms of leukaemia.


One type of cancer that starts in the lymphatic system is lymphoma. The network of lymphatic vessels and glands aids the body’s defence against infection. Hodgkin lymphoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma are the two primary forms of lymphomas.

Signs And Symptoms of Cancer in Both Men and Women

Both men and women can experience similar symptoms from the majority of cancer types. Fast weight loss without effort, pain, exhaustion, persistent coughing, anemia, bleeding, non-healing surface wounds, fever, and unanticipated skin changes are a few typical symptoms.

Additionally, some cancers only affect men or mostly affect women. For instance, only men can get prostate and testicular cancers. Urinary pain and blood in the urine are signs of prostate cancer.

Testicular cancer may be indicated by a lump or pain in the scrotal region. In addition to having a higher risk of lung and colorectal cancers, women are more likely than men to develop breast cancer.

Unusual vaginal bleeding may indicate vulva, vaginal, or cervix cancer; however, alterations in appetite and abdominal pain or bloating may indicate other cancers and should be evaluated by a physician.

Making Cancer Diagnosis in Turkey

The process of diagnosing cancer is intricate and multi-step. Identifying, diagnosing, and categorizing different forms of cancer, entails several tests and procedures.

  • A diagnosis frequently starts when a patient goes to the doctor with an odd symptom. The patient and the doctor will discuss the patient’s symptoms and medical history. The physician will then order several tests to determine what is causing these symptoms.
  • Anomalies or masses in the body can signal cancer and are identified using mammography, cancer screening tests, physical exams, blood tests, MRIs, or ultrasounds.
  • However, a lot of cancer patients don’t show any signs. For these individuals, a medical test for another illness or condition results in the diagnosis of cancer.
  • After a screening test, a doctor may occasionally discover cancer in a patient who is otherwise healthy.
  • Mammography, Pap testing, and colonoscopy are a few types of screening tests. To validate or refute the screening test result, an individual might require additional testing.
  • The majority of cancers can only be definitively diagnosed through a biopsy.
  • A biopsy might be required if an abnormality or suspicious mass is discovered. To detect the presence of cancer cells, a tiny sample of tissue from the suspected tumour or lesion is removed during this procedure and examined under a microscope.
  • Further tests, like PET, x-rays, and ultrasounds, might be carried out if the biopsy results show the presence of cancer cells. These examinations identify the kind of cancer, its stage, and whether it has progressed to the body’s lymph nodes or other areas.

Turkey’s Cancer and Oncology Care

  • Turkey’s oncology and cancer care pathway is distinguished by the outstanding quality of medical services provided, ranging from surgeons to hospital facilities.
  • Clinics in Turkey are renowned for offering cutting-edge medical technology and top-notch care.
  • They recognize that caring for cancer patients extends far beyond simple treatment. The care and assistance required during cancer treatment are all included in the therapeutic approach.
  • Doctors and the medical team address a wide range of patient needs in the therapeutic approach, such as pain, fatigue, nutrition, respiratory, digestive, genitourinary, motor, and other issues.
  • The oncologists in Turkey are qualified to handle the social, psychological, and emotional aspects of the illness in addition to its specific treatments; this includes issues with body image and self-esteem.
  • Additionally, to guarantee a first-rate treatment experience, the medical units are furnished with the newest instruments and technology.

Cancer Treatment in Turkey

  • Cancer treatment is determined by several variables: Treatment options may vary depending on the patient’s medical needs, the type and stage of the cancer, and other physical characteristics of the patient.
  • One of the most popular cancer treatments is chemotherapy. It contains medications that combat cancer cells, but it also has significant adverse effects.
  • To cure, treat, control, or lessen the symptoms of any type of cancer, cancer patients can benefit from chemotherapy, radiation therapy, pharmaceutical therapy, or surgery.
  • Chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery are all used in cancer treatment to eradicate, kill, or destroy cancer cells in a particular part of the body.
  • Cancer treatments can damage cancerous cells to stop them from proliferating or slow the disease’s spread.

Cancer can be treated using a range of techniques, such as:

Primary Treatment: The intention is to eradicate or destroy cancerous cells.

Adjuvant Therapy: This is used to get rid of cancer cells that made it through the first round of treatment.

Palliative care is a medical intervention aimed at reducing symptoms resulting from either a cancerous tumour or the cancer treatment itself.

The course of cancer treatment depends on several factors, including the type of cancer, the size of the tumour, the location of the tissues and the tissues around them, the patient’s age, and the use of additional treatments at the time.

A combination of cancer treatments is used for patients with advanced cancer who wish to prevent the disease from spreading to healthy cells, tissues, and organs.

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Lyfboat is a free advisory platform; we do not charge any fees from patients. In fact, we negotiate the price that Turkey hospitals offer. In some cases we are able to reduce the cost by negotiating upto 20% of what Hospitals generally offer. We advise the best treatment from the top hospital/surgeon at best price.

Turkey’s Cancer Treatment Program

Some of the most popular cancer treatments in Turkey are as follows:

Surgery: Surgery is a common therapeutic option for a variety of cancer types. The surgeon removes some surrounding tissue in addition to the mass of cancerous cells, or tumour, during the procedure. Sometimes surgery is necessary to lessen the negative effects of a tumour.

Hormone Therapy: Since hormones are the primary cause of breast, prostate, and ovarian cancers, hormone therapy is used to treat these conditions. It uses medication or surgery to block or stop the body’s natural production of hormones. This has the effect of slowing the growth of cancer cells. During surgery, the hormone-producing testes or ovaries are removed. The drugs are given either by injections or pills.

Immunotherapy: Immunotherapy is a cancer treatment that makes use of the immune system, the body’s natural defence against infection. It uses substances made by the body or in a laboratory to strengthen or fine-tune the immune system’s response to cancer. This helps the body rid itself of cancerous cells.

Targeted Therapies: In targeted therapy, medications are used to prevent the growth and spread of cancer. Compared to other treatments, it achieves this with fewer adverse effects on normal cells.

Chemotherapy: Destroys some healthy cells along with cancerous ones. Targeted therapy for cancer cells concentrates on particular targets (molecules). These receptors have a role in the proliferation and survival of cancer cells. By blocking cancer cells’ use of these targets, the drug stops them from proliferating.

Cryotherapy: Often referred to as cryosurgery, this process uses a very cold gas to freeze and destroy cancer cells. Precancerous cells, which are skin or cervix cells that have the potential to develop into cancer, are occasionally treated with it. Additionally, internal tumours like those in the liver or prostate can receive cryotherapy using a piece of specialized equipment.

Photodynamic Therapy: In photodynamic therapy, a patient gets a shot of a drug that reacts well to a particular kind of light. Compared to healthy cells, cancer cells are more resistant to the medication. The physician then targets the cancer cells with a laser or another type of light. When the medication is exposed to light, it changes into a substance that destroys cancer cells.

Moreover, extremely inventive approaches to impact oncology are employed:

  • Radiosurgery
  • HIFU
  • TrueBeam technique
  • Da Vinci Robot Surgeon
  • Tumour treatment with Tomo therapy.

Turkey’s Cancer Treatment Costs

In Turkey, the starting point for cancer treatment costs is USD 4000 on average. Turkey offers more affordable cancer treatment costs than other countries because its hospitals are equipped with some of the world’s most advanced technology and have some of the most renowned cancer surgeons.

Turkey’s Cancer Treatment Cost-Relating Factors

Even after subtracting the cost of lodging, meals, and transportation, the calibre and standard of medical care and amenities are on par with those of the world’s most renowned healthcare facilities. The following factors may influence the price of cancer treatment in Turkey:

  • Medication expenses.
  • Duration of the medical intervention.
  • Geographical location.
  • Costs associated with hospital stays.
  • Policies and subsidies from the government.
  • Packages for medical travel.
  • Infrastructure and reputation of the hospital.
  • The knowledge and experience of health care providers.
  • The kind and quantity of diagnostic tests.
  • The selection of a therapeutic approach.

Advantages of Cancer Surgery in Turkey

Turkey is a globally recognized destination for medical tourism. The nation tops the list in terms of allure both historically and culturally. In addition, the environment puts medical tourists at ease during their care, which raises the likelihood of improvement and superior results.

Furthermore, a sizable number of foreign patients have been drawn to Turkey by its hospital infrastructure, which is the outcome of years of significant investments from the public and private sectors.

Furthermore, most of the institutions have state-of-the-art facilities with the most advanced cancer treatment technology in an environment that is optimal for patients.

In 2017, roughly 765,000 patients from 144 countries received medical care in Turkey, according to the Turkish Healthcare Travel Council.

Turkey also boasts superb international connectivity. Airlines are expanding their flight schedule to Turkey with every year that goes by. Turkish Airlines has been providing flights at steep discounts.

Despite their lack of international recognition comparatively, Turkey’s oncology centres have distinct advantages over clinics in other states. So, among the benefits of receiving cancer treatment in Turkey are:

  • Excellent quality of medical care; adherence to all WHO guidelines and standards during the treatment;
  • No “overdiagnosis”
  • Reasonable treatment costs;
  • No language barrier.
  • Quality assurance of the services rendered during the therapy;
  • Legislative protection for every patient.

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Dr. Surbhi Suden

Verified By Dr. Surbhi Suden

Dr. Surbhi Suden is one of the founders of Lyfboat and a doctor with a renowned name in the Medical tourism industry. She has been working with international patients since 2008 and is a deeply committed professional with a long term vision of transforming the current healthcare scenarios.
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