Mitral Valve Replacement Surgery Cost in India

Mitral Valve Replacement Surgery Cost from top hospitals may start from USD 6300 (INR 525,000) in India. This cost can be less or more depending upon the hospital, experience of doctors, quality and type of valve used and many more parameters.

Heart Valve Replacement Surgery Cost
  • In a healthy valve, the heart pumps blood in a precise manner, opening and closing. The leaflets, or sets of flaps, on each valve open to let blood flow from the heart chambers into the arteries. To prevent blood from recirculating into the chambers, they then shut the pack.
  • Heart surgery is done to repair leaflets that obstruct the flow of blood through the valve and into the artery by not opening as wide as they should. 
  • To close loose leaflets, heart surgery is also performed. This implies that blood may seep into the chambers from the rear instead of entering the artery from the front as it ought to. Surgeons can replace or repair the valve to fix it.
  • The mitral valve thus, is one of the heart’s four valves. It is located in the left ventricle, the lower left chamber of the heart, and the left atrium, the upper left chamber. The mitral valve opens and closes to allow blood to travel in the proper direction.
  • Mitral valve repair addresses valve issues to reduce the chance of developing major complications later on. It is also known as the left atrioventricular valve.
  • The process of replacing a faulty mitral valve with an artificial one is known as an open mitral valve replacement. This surgical procedure involves replacing the malfunctioning valve with a prosthetic one to ensure proper blood flow into the left ventricle and out to the body, thus reducing strain on the heart.
  • To replace or repair a leaky or narrowed mitral valve, cardiac surgery is performed on both the repair and replacement of the valve. The mitral valve is one of the four heart valves that control blood flow within the heart.
  • Mitral valve repair addresses valve issues to reduce your chance of developing major complications later on.
  • As the mitral valve is the door between the left atrium and left ventricle, these are the heart’s two chambers where oxygen-rich blood is kept.
  • This blood from the lungs is received by the left atrium. The mitral valve allows blood to pass through and enter your left ventricle. The aorta then transports the fluid to the rest of the body via the left ventricle’s pump.
  • The valve’s ability to function is compromised by mitral valve disease. This may eventually cause lung and heart damage. Open heart surgery repair can help prevent or postpone these issues.
  • Both minimally invasive and open-heart surgery are options for mitral valve replacement and repair. The approach chosen will depend on the severity and progression of the mitral valve disease.
  • When possible, surgeons typically advise mitral valve repair over replacement. It can preserve cardiac function and preserve the current heart valve.
  • Animals, human tissue, or artificial materials are used to make replacement valves.

Reasons to undergo Heart Valve Replacement Surgery in India

The following conditions would necessitate heart valve replacement surgery:

  • Mitral valve Stenosis: To widen the valve opening and correct stenosis (valve narrowing), the valve leaflets or other valve components may be cut, separated, or rebuilt. The majority of stenosed valve patients need to have their valves replaced.
  • Mitral valve Regurgitation: also known as valve leakage, can be fixed by reshaping a deformed valve with a prosthetic ring or by replacing or shortening the supporting valve structures to enable the valve to close tightly. It is also possible to alter valve flaps, or leaflets, to prevent blood from flowing backward.

An artificial (prosthetic) heart valve is used to replace the original one. Artificial Valves come in two varieties:

  • Heart Tissue Valve
  • Mechanical Valve

If the doctor determines that the mitral valve is severely damaged, the patient is advised to have it replaced. Surgeons have the option of replacing the damaged valve with either a mechanical valve or one made from a different kind of human heart tissue.

  • Mitral valve repair reduces the risk of major problems in the future by addressing the valve’s issues. Minor cases of the condition may not require surgery, depending on the circumstances.
  • In addition to routine echocardiography exams, the doctor may prescribe medication to track the progression of the heart issue.
  • India’s first-rate multispecialty facility offers patients complete, round-the-clock care and treatment under one roof.

In certain cases, mitral valve surgery may be performed in the absence of symptoms. For instance, surgeons may perform mitral valve surgery concurrently when patients require heart surgery for a different ailment. According to research, some patients with severe mitral valve regurgitation who are asymptomatic may benefit from valve surgery in the long run.

To fully comprehend every facet of the mitral valve replacement procedure, Lyfboat gets the best doctors and surgeons. You can get the greatest medical advice, assessment, and treatment if you have any heart valve problems.

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Mitral Heart Valve Replacement types based on the types of valves

Heart valve replacement is the surgical procedure used to replace malfunctioning or diseased heart valves with prosthetic ones.

There are two main types of heart valve replacements: biological and mechanical.

Material for Mechanical Valve Replacement: Metal or carbon are common, long-lasting materials used to make mechanical valves.
Durability: They last longer than biological valves, but to prevent blood clots, they must take anticoagulant medication for the rest of their lives.
Suitability: For younger patients who can follow strict medication regimens, mechanical valves are frequently advised.

Material for Replacement of Biological Valve: Human donor tissues or animal tissues (porcine or bovine) are used to make biological valves.
Durability: Biological valves do not require lifelong anticoagulation, despite being less robust than mechanical valves. Their feel and functionality are organic.
Suitability: Patients who are elderly or unable to take long-term anticoagulant medication frequently opt for biological valves.

  • The decision between biological and mechanical valves is influenced by many factors, including the patient’s age, lifestyle, and medical background.
  • There are advantages and disadvantages to each type of valve, and the decision is often made in consultation with the cardiac surgeon based on the needs and circumstances of each patient.

Cost of mitral valve replacement procedures

In India, the average cost to replace a mitral valve starts at USD 6300. The clinical state of the patient, as shown by the results of the diagnostic tests and the clinical symptoms, is what determines whether to modify the patient’s face or body. 

Like with any cosmetic procedure, there are several factors that a cardiac surgeon must take into account before determining that you are the best candidate for Mitral Valve Replacement.

Factors That Can Influence Mitral Valve Replacement Cost in India

Several factors can affect the total cost of replacing a mitral valve in India, including:

  • Based on the hospital’s preference, the Mitral Valve Replacement Package in India may change.
  • The subject matter expertise and experience of the doctor.
  • The patient’s condition: the nature of the patient’s illness and whether further modalities are needed for a thorough course of treatment.
  • The length of hospital stays and mitral valve replacement procedure duration in India.
  • Post-operative care is required.
  • The cost of a mitral valve replacement in India can vary depending on the hospital and room type one chooses.
  • This is the primary reason that thousands of patients travel from all over the world to India for medical care. Hospitals in India offer the best Mitral Valve Replacement at reasonable costs for international patients visiting the country, all under the direction of highly skilled medical personnel.
  • Pre-operative testing, post-operative care, the surgeon’s fees, the type of valve used, and the hospital or medical facility are just a few of the factors that can have a big impact on the price of heart valve replacement.

Mitral Valve Replacement Procedures

Mitral valve replacement procedures can now be performed with either open-heart surgery or a minimally invasive procedure.

Open mitral valve replacement

  • To reach the heart and implant an artificial valve in place of the degenerated mitral valve, a significant incision must be made.
  • Depending on the state of the patient’s health, recovery from the surgery could take several weeks.

Transcatheter mitral valve replacement (TMVR)

  • A tiny, cosmetic incision is necessary for the minimally invasive transcatheter mitral valve replacement (TMVR) procedure.
  • The percutaneous procedure reduces hospital stay length and risk and can be finished in less than an hour.
  • The procedure for mitral valve repair and replacement varies depending on the method used.
  • There are various methods for performing mitral valve surgery.

Open-heart surgery

  • To access the heart, the surgeon creates an incision in the middle of the chest.
  • To reach the heart and implant an artificial valve in place of the degenerated mitral valve, a significant incision must be made.
  • Depending on the state of the patient’s health, recovery from the surgery could take several weeks.

Transcatheter mitral valve replacement (TMVR) or minimally invasive heart surgery

  • A tiny, cosmetic incision is necessary for the minimally invasive transcatheter mitral valve replacement (TMVR) procedure.
  • The percutaneous procedure reduces hospital stay length and risk and can be finished in less than an hour.
  • By and large, this procedure makes far fewer incisions than open cardiac surgery.
  • It may be preferred as compared to open heart surgery, it might mean a shorter hospital stay, a speedier recovery, and less pain.
  • A minimally invasive heart valve surgery ought to be carried out in hospitals by surgeons with experience doing such procedures.

Robot-assisted heart surgery

  • One kind of minimally invasive surgery is this one.
  • Surgeons can replicate open-heart surgery movements with robotic arms.

Catheter-based procedure

  • Some heart valve repairs are done using a long, thin tube called a catheter and clips, plugs, or other devices.
  • A surgeon can replace or repair the mitral valve by inserting instruments through the catheter.
  • Transcatheter mitral replacement is one example of a catheter-based procedure.


Tests can be performed to rule out other illnesses that could be causing the same symptoms as mitral valve regurgitation or to confirm the diagnosis of the disease.

  • Echocardiogram
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • Chest X-ray
  • Cardiac MRI
  • Exercise tests or stress tests
  • Cardiac catheterization
  • Echocardiography: The most popular test for determining whether the heart valves are malfunctioning is the echocardiogram. A painless procedure called echocardiography uses sound waves to produce moving images of your heart.


Before the Procedure

  • Always inform the doctor before the procedure:
  • What medications one takes, including over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and herbs
  • Blood can be stored in the blood bank for transfusions both before and after surgery.
  • Find out from the doctor how the patient, friends, and family can donate blood.
  • If one smokes, give it up. Request assistance from the doctor.

During the Procedure

Understanding Mitral Valve Replacement (MVR) surgery requires a thorough understanding of the procedure. During the procedure, the damaged mitral valve is removed from the heart and replaced with a prosthetic valve.

Depending on the patient’s condition and medical history, the surgeon may choose to perform transcatheter methods, robotic-assisted procedures, minimally invasive techniques, or traditional open-heart surgery.

The goals of each approach are to improve overall cardiac function, relieve symptoms, and restore ideal blood flow.

  • The most common method for replacing an aortic valve is a median sternotomy, which involves splitting the chest bone in half.
  • After the pericardium is opened, the patient is put on a heart-lung machine, also known as a cardiopulmonary bypass machine.
  • As the surgeon replaces the heart valve, this machine takes over the patient’s breathing and blood-pumping duties.
  • An aortic incision is made once the patient is on a bypass. The patient’s diseased aortic valve is then removed by the surgeon, who then replaces it with a tissue or mechanical valve.
  • The patient is removed from the heart-lung machine after the valve is implanted and the aorta has been closed.
  • To confirm that the replacement valve is working properly, a transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE), or ultrasonography of the heart performed through the esophagus, can be performed.
  • Typically, pacing wires are implanted so that, if problems following surgery occur, the heart can be manually paced.
  • To remove fluid from the chest and pericardium after surgery, drainage tubes are also placed.
  • The pacing wires are typically left in place until shortly before the patient is released from the hospital, but these are typically taken out within 36 hours.
  • The procedure could take two to four hours. This procedure can occasionally be performed without making any cuts on your chest through the groin artery.
  • Step 1: The surgeon separates the ribs and breastbone, opens the heart, and locates the malfunctioning valve
  • Step 2: The valve can be removed by slightly cutting the edges surrounding it to help release it from the tendons connecting it to the rest of the heart.
  • Step 3: After that, the replacement valve is inserted and fastened in position. Following the procedure, the patient’s chest is closed and the bypass machine is removed.

How can Lyfboat assist you getting Mitral Valve Replacement?

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After the Mitral Valve Replacement Procedure

  • For the first few hours or days following surgery, a respirator might be necessary. The patient should be able to sit up in bed after a day.
  • The patient might be discharged from the intensive care unit after two days. After seven to ten days, patients are typically released from the hospital.
  • After a successful mitral valve replacement, patients can anticipate getting better or back to normal.

Recovery After Mitral Valve Replacement

  • After having surgery to replace or repair your mitral valve, one will usually spend a day or more in the intensive care unit (ICU). 
  • After leaving the ICU, the patient spends a few days in a regular hospital room. 
  • The length of time one spends in the intensive care unit and the hospital will depend on the condition and the type of surgery one has undergone.
  • After a transcatheter procedure, one may or may not need to stay in the intensive care unit, yet they will need to spend at least one night in the hospital. 
  • Using this method, one can drain fluid or blood from your chest without the need for tubes.
  • The progress will be monitored by the nurses and doctors. Heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure will all be frequently observed. 
  • The doctor will also help the patient manage any post-surgical pain.
  • The patient is instructed to gradually increase activities and practice breathing techniques as they recover. 
  • The nurses will help take longer and longer walks while being in the hospital. In roughly four weeks, one will be able to resume regular activities and work. 
  • However, strenuous work will need to wait eight to ten weeks and should only be done on the surgeon’s recommendation.

Risk of Mitral Valve Replacement

Mitral valve replacement is a relatively safe procedure thanks to technological advancements and the experience of cardiac surgeons. For asymptomatic patients undergoing mitral valve surgery, the surgical risk is approximately 1 in 1000.

The risk is still much less than 1% in patients who exhibit symptoms. The presence of coronary artery disease or other illnesses that require surgical treatment influences the particular risk.

The following are the rare but significant risks associated with an open mitral valve replacement:

  • Virus infection
  • Bleeding
  • An irregular heartbeat
  • Blood clots that cause strokes or heart attacks
  • Anesthesia-related complications
  • Consistent leakage of the valve
  • Harm to adjacent organs
  • Loss of memory or difficulty.

Prognosis & Success Rate

  • Mitral valve repair and replacement surgery can help individuals live a better life by relieving symptoms and increasing their quality of life.
  • To make sure the repaired or replacement valve is operating as intended, one will need to visit a doctor frequently.
  • If the Mitral Valve is replaced with a mechanical valve, one will require blood thinners for the rest of the lifetime to prevent blood clots. 
  • Biological tissue valves need to be replaced because they eventually degenerate (break down).
  • The doctor may also suggest cardiac rehabilitation, which is an educational and exercise program meant to help you heal from heart surgery and improve overall health. 
  • The heart’s health depends on leading a healthy lifestyle both before and after mitral valve surgery.
  • A healthy lifestyle includes the following:
  • Quitting smoking.
  • Regularly engage in physical activity
  • Consuming a well-balanced diet
  • Stress management

Mechanical heart valves rarely fail. Blood clots, though, can form on them. A blood clot could result in a stroke. Although it is uncommon, bleeding can happen.

Although biological valves tend to fail over an extended period, they do not have the same risk of blood clots.
The state of minimally invasive heart valve surgery has significantly improved recently. Most people can safely use these techniques, which can also shorten recovery times and minimize pain.

93% to 98% of patients who undergo mitral valve replacement surgery recovery. The elderly carry greater risks. 91% of patients over 65 make it through this procedure.

With the help of this comprehensive guide here at Lyfboat, you can gain an understanding of the complexities surrounding Mitral Valve Replacement and feel more empowered to make decisions regarding your cardiac health journey.

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