Biruk Deribe from Ethiopia Traveled to India for Ulcerative Colitis Treatment

Last Modified: June 27, 2024  |   Created on: June 27, 2024
Patient Testimonials

Patient Story: Introduction

“My name is Biruk Deribe Deresu, and I traveled from Ethiopia to New Delhi with my wife, Marta Dano, seeking treatment for Ulcerative Colitis at Apollo Hospital,” Biruk began, reflecting on his journey towards healing.

Connecting with Dr. Surbhi

Before arriving in India, Biruk communicated extensively with Dr. Surbhi, who provided detailed information and guidance about his treatment plan and hospital requirements. This thorough communication allowed Biruk to prepare adequately for his medical journey.

Grateful for Dr. Surbhi’s Care

“Dr. Surbhi’s assistance throughout the treatment process was exceptional. Her support and expertise ensured that I received excellent care at Apollo Hospital,” Biruk expressed gratefully. His positive experience with Dr. Surbhi underscored the importance of personalized care in achieving successful treatment outcomes.

Excellence in Medical Care

Upon admission to Apollo Hospital, Biruk encountered experienced medical professionals who provided him with comprehensive treatment and prescribed effective medications tailored to his condition. The quality of care he received contributed significantly to his positive progress and improved health status.

Recovery and Gratitude

“With the guidance of Dr. Surbhi and the dedicated staff, I have made significant progress in my recovery journey. Now, I am ready to return home to Ethiopia with improved health and well-being,” Biruk shared confidently. His recovery journey was marked by the attentive care and expertise of Dr. Surbhi and the hospital staff.

Acknowledgment and Thanks

Biruk extended his heartfelt thanks to Dr. Surbhi and her team for their exceptional support and care throughout his treatment at Apollo Hospital. “I am deeply grateful to Dr. Surbhi and all her staff for their dedication and professionalism. They have made a significant difference in my life,” Biruk concluded with appreciation.

Choose Lyfboat for Your Medical Journey

Biruk Deribe Deresu’s journey to Apollo Hospital in New Delhi for Ulcerative Colitis treatment is a testament to the compassionate care and expertise provided by Dr. Surbhi and her team. His positive experience highlights the importance of personalized medical care in achieving successful treatment outcomes and underscores Apollo Hospital’s commitment to patient-centric healthcare.

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