Iyorokpemi Boumene Fabo from Nigeria Traveled to India for her Daughter’s TOF Surgery

Last Modified: June 27, 2024  |   Created on: June 27, 2024
Patient Testimonials

A Life-Changing Journey to India

Six-year-old Christiana Boumene Fabo from Nigeria, along with her mother, Mrs. Iyorokpemi Boumene Fabo, traveled to India for a life-changing Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) surgery. This complex heart surgery was made possible with the help of Lyfboat and the dedicated care of Dr. Surbhi Suden.

Overcoming Challenges in Nigeria

“My name is Iyorokpemi Boumene Fabo. I’m from Nigeria. I came for heart surgery for my daughter, Christiana. In Nigeria, they said there is no way they could do the surgery, so we flew to India.”

Mrs. Fabo explains how daunting it was to face the reality of her daughter’s condition in Nigeria, where the medical facilities couldn’t provide the necessary surgery. Desperation led them to seek help abroad, and Lyfboat became their beacon of hope.

Finding Hope with Lyfboat

“The service here is excellent. Dr. Surbhi Suden is a wonderful doctor. She tried her best and is very good. May God bless her more and more in Jesus’ name, amen.”

From the moment they arrived in India, they were greeted with warmth and professionalism. Dr. Surbhi Suden and the Lyfboat team provided unwavering support and guidance.

A Successful Surgery and a Bright Future

“The surgery was performed successfully, and the results were nothing short of miraculous. Now, my daughter can walk. For the first time, she can walk. She now has an appetite to eat. I am so happy. May God bless you people more and more in Jesus’ name, amen.”

Today, Christiana is a different child. Before the surgery, she could not walk, and her appetite was non-existent. Now, she can walk again, her appetite has returned, and she is recovering quickly. She is healthy and ready to return home to Nigeria.

Heartfelt Gratitude

“We cannot thank Dr. Surbhi, the medical team, and everyone at Lyfboat enough. Their dedication and expertise made this possible, and we are forever thankful. May God continue to bless them abundantly.”

Mrs. Fabo’s heartfelt gratitude reflects the incredible impact that Lyfboat and Dr. Surbhi Suden have had on their lives. The journey to India has transformed their lives and given Christiana a bright future.

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