Stella Chidimma Okere from Nigeria Traveled to India for Total Hip Replacement

Last Modified: June 26, 2024  |   Created on: June 26, 2024
Patient Testimonials

A Grateful Attendant’s Experience

Stella Chidimma Okere, a 52-year-old woman from Nigeria, underwent a complex total hip replacement surgery at Fortis Memorial Research Institute in India. This heartfelt testimonial comes from her attendant, Mr. Hicgeif Ekenga, whose story speaks volumes about the exceptional care, professionalism, and compassion extended by the medical team.

Overcoming Initial Fears

“I am here to share my experience for those watching this video, especially from Africa. I wholeheartedly recommend this team of experts. They gave me confidence and took away my fears. As an attendant accompanying Stella from Africa to India, I was initially apprehensive about how we would manage. However, the hospital provided immense comfort, even arranging a place for attendants to sleep and ensuring daily changes of beddings,” begins Mr. Ekenga, highlighting the exceptional facilities at the hospital.

Unprecedented Care and Comfort

He continues, “The facility was first-class. The surgery was painless, and even at night, there was an automated machine administering painkiller injections. Stella, who underwent the surgery, did not experience any pain. This level of care is unprecedented. I am talking about a complex total hip replacement handled perfectly by Dr. Subhash.”

Mr. Ekenga praises Dr. Subhash’s expertise and the successful outcome of the surgery. “Today, we have results, and we will share our testimonies with Nigerians who might want to take advantage of this opportunity.”

Dr. Surbhi: A Mother to All Nations

“Dr. Surbhi is a wonderful woman, truly a mother to all nations. She provided care that was beyond my expectations, making us comfortable in ways that went beyond the hospital’s specifications. When we faced an emergency, she came in, said a few reassuring words, and my fears evaporated. Her care and compassion are unparalleled,” he shares, expressing deep gratitude for Dr. Surbhi’s personal attention and support.

Exceptional Medical Tourism Experience

Mr. Ekenga also highlights the efficiency and excellence of the entire medical team at Fortis Memorial Research Institute. “It is like a pilgrimage of medical tourism. Every department operates with such precision that within 30 minutes to an hour, patients are attended to. This level of service is unheard of in Africa and rare in other parts of the world. I recommend them to anyone in need of bone and joint care.”

He extends his appreciation to the support team, mentioning Nikki, Ali, Jaspal, and Manish, who ensured their journey from the airport to the hospital and beyond was smooth and comfortable. “They are a perfect team, incomparable to any other. I hope they continue their excellent work so that more nations can benefit from their expertise.”

Hope for the Future

Reflecting on the difference in medical care between India and Nigeria, he says, “I wish this level of care could be found in my country, Nigeria. I have big dreams for Nigeria, but leadership has been a problem. However, I believe that with the Lord’s help, a miracle can happen one day.”

He concludes with admiration for India’s inclusive system, where everyone, even those who may not be highly educated, find employment and can support their families. “India is a wonderful example, worthy of emulation by other countries. Thank you very much.”

Choose Lyfboat for Your Medical Journey

Stella Chidimma Okere’s story is a shining example of how Lyfboat makes international medical travel a reassuring and successful experience. With a commitment to quality care, patient safety, and comprehensive support, Lyfboat continues to help patients from around the world access world-class medical treatments.

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